Purim 5784-2024, Again!

by Nina Fondiller Woldin

Chances are that you know the story of Purim – wicked Haman convinces King Achashverosh to have all the Jews of Persia killed. Encouraged by her cousin Mordechai, Queen Esther, the king’s secretly Jewish wife, risks her life to intercede on her people’s behalf.

How many times can you remember someone connecting this story to current events, comparing Hitler, Arafat, Khomeini, and of course the leaders of Hamas to Haman? 

How many times can you remember someone connecting Hitler, Arafat, Khomeini,
and of course the leaders of Hamas to Haman? 

The story of Purim is an allegory for the epic battle between Israel and Amalek (the archetypal enemy of the Jews). Currently we are feeling a painful rise in blatant antisemitism, and a need to connect with other Jewish people for strength and encouragement. Chai Mitzvah offers this in our small groups, and our Scholars Circle, where we bring interactive virtual live lectures on timely topics from leading academicians to to lay and professional audiences.

Please join us to learn and discuss!

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